

CMS Comparison

Alex Ross June 29, 2012
Rating: 5.0/5. From 5 votes.
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创造一个成功的 website is now easier than ever due to the Content Management System (CMS). With CMS you can create and publish web content, present it to your audience, and archive it safely.

A CMS helps you:

  • keep your website 组织严密,全面;
  • 降低站点维护成本,
  • 提高数据安全性.

CMS engine 是多功能应用程序吗. 它能创造一个强大的传送门 website 在几分钟内,它有广泛的支持社区. The CMS portals offer intuitive administration and dispose of detailed tutorials. CMS consists of a content management application which enables the management and modification of content without advanced webmaster knowledge, 以及内容交付应用程序, 这需要新的信息 update the website.

CMS template 是适合你的主题吗 CMS-based website. It allows you to change the entire look of your site with a few clicks. 没有必要雇佣设计师并付给他数百美元. 模板会使你的过程发生变化 website 看起来又快又容易.

在这里,我们挑选了一些最受欢迎的 open source,免费下载和使用 CMS tools: [没有解释]Joomla[/没有解释], [无说明]WordPress[/无说明] and [无解释]Drupal[/无解释]. 你可以选择其中任何一种 website, depending on your particular needs or organizational requirements.


  Joomla WordPress Drupal
License *提供产品的许可类型. GPL GPL OSL 3.0
Cost *电子商务引擎的成本是多少. Free Free Free
Language *使用什么编程语言. PHP PHP PHP
Data storage *What type of the database can be used. MySQL MySQL MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Microsoft SQL Server
Open source code *Specifies if you have access to the engine source files and if you are able to edit them. Yes Yes Yes
Package *查看您订购的模板包中包含的内容. Engine with built-in theme, theme separately, PHP, PSD, CSS, images, sample database 主题,PHP, CSS, PSD,图像,样本 database 主题,PHP, CSS, PSD,图像,样本 database
皮肤系统可用性*The capability of changing the store theme through the admin panel. Yes Yes Yes


  Joomla WordPress Drupal
Captcha *Is a type of challenge-response test used in computing as an attempt to ensure that the response is generated by a person. Plugin Plugin Plugin
Content Approval Yes Yes Yes
电子邮件验证 Yes Yes Yes
认证方法*List of security protocols that provides authentication, integrity, and confidentiality to users. LDAP, Custom LDAP, Custom LDAP (plugin), NTLM (plugin), Custom
SSL Compatible *Cryptographic protocols that provide communication security over the Internet. Yes Yes Yes
Login History Yes Plugin Yes
Session Management *Is the process of keeping track of a user’s activity across sessions of interaction with the computer system. Yes Plugin Yes


  Joomla WordPress Drupal
Drag & Drop Content No Yes No
Image Resizing Yes Yes Module
多文件上传 Yes Yes Module
Spellchecker Plugin Yes Module
WYSIWYG Editor *WYSIWYG 表示能够直接操作 layout 不需要输入或记住名字的文档 layout commands. Yes Yes Module
Interface Localization Yes Yes Yes
可扩展用户配置文件 Yes Plugin Yes
Undo *撤消是许多计算机程序中的一个命令. It erases the last change done to the document reverting it to an older state. Yes Plugin Yes


  Joomla WordPress Drupal
Caching *A collection of data duplicating original values stored elsewhere on a computer. Yes Plugin Yes
Load Balancing *Load balancing is a computer networking methodology to distribute workload across multiple computers or a computer cluster, network links, 中央处理机, disk drives, 或者其他资源, 实现资源的最优利用, 最大化吞吐量, minimize response time,避免过载. Yes Yes Yes
Database Replication *Replication is the process of sharing information so as to ensure consistency between redundant resources, such as software or hardware components, to improve reliability, fault-tolerance, or accessibility. No Yes Plugin
多语言内容 Yes Plugin Yes
多站点部署 Plugin Plugin Yes
RSS(内容聚合)*Most commonly, web syndication refers to making web feeds available from a site in order to provide other people with a summary or update of the website’s recently added content (for example, the latest news or forum posts). Yes Yes Yes


  Joomla WordPress Drupal
广告管理 Yes No Module
内容安排 Yes Limited Module
联机管理*对于具有适当权限的用户, editing controls that activate inline editing tools appear on those pages the editor is allowed to update. Users can edit existing web pages or create new web pages in this editing environment. No pop-up 或者需要辅助窗口. Changes can be saved directly to the web site or as a pending version that can be promoted later by the editor 或者自动在预定的日期和时间. Yes Plugin Yes
Sub-sites/Roots Yes Yes Yes
Themes/Templates Yes Yes Yes
Web Statistics *的测量、收集、分析和报告 internet 用于理解和优化web使用的数据. It is often done without the permission or knowledge of the user, 在这种情况下,它就变成了网络入侵 browser security. Yes Plugin Yes
网络翻译管理*Web-based language translation tools that will help you translate any Web site, word, 或者把短语翻译成许多不同的语言. Plugin Plugin Yes
Workflow Engine *工作流引擎是一个 software application that manages and executes modeled computer processes. It is a key component in workflow technology and typically makes use of a database server. 工作流引擎解释事件, such as documents submitted to a server or due dates expiring, 并根据定义的计算机过程作用于它们. No No Limited


  Joomla WordPress Drupal
FTP Support Yes Plugin Limited
UTF-8 Support Yes Yes Yes
WebDAV Support *Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) is an extension of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) that facilitates collaboration between users in editing and managing documents and files stored on World Wide Web servers. No No No
XHTML Compliant *XHTML (可扩展超文本标记语言)是一个 XML markup languages that mirror or extend versions of the widely-used Hypertext Markup Language (HTML),这是编写网页的语言. Yes Yes Yes


  Joomla WordPress Drupal
Blog Yes Yes Yes
Chat Plugin Plugin Module
Classifieds *Classified advertising is a form of advertising which is particularly common in newspapers, online and other periodicals which may be sold or distributed free of charge. 报纸上的广告一般都很短, 因为他们是按线收费的, 一个报纸专栏那么宽. Plugin Plugin Module
联系人管理 Yes Plugin Module
论坛(讨论) Plugin Plugin Yes
文档管理 Plugin Plugin Limited
Events Management Plugin No Module
FAQ Management Yes Plugin Yes
Graphs and Charts Plugin No No
Guest Book Plugin Plugin Module
Mail Form Yes Plugin Module
My Page/Dashboard Plugin Yes Module
Newsletter management Plugin Plugin Module
Search Engine Yes Yes Yes
Polls Yes Plugin Yes
Tests/Quizzes Plugin Plugin Module
Surveys Plugin Plugin Module
用户贡献 Yes Yes Yes
Wiki Plugin Plugin Module
Shopping Cart Plugin Plugin Module

SEO Features

  Joomla WordPress Drupal
Metadata *简单地说,元数据是关于数据的数据. 它是关于特定数据集的描述性信息, object, or resource, 包括它的格式, 什么时候被谁收集的. 虽然元数据通常指的是网络资源, 它可以是物理或电子资源. 可以使用 software 或者手工进入. Yes Yes Yes
SEO Friendly URLs *Clean URLs, RESTful URLs or user-friendly URLs are purely structural URLs that do not contain a query string and instead contain only the path of the resource (after the scheme [e.g., http和权威[e].g.,]). This is often done for aesthetic, usability, or search engine optimization (SEO) purposes. Yes Yes Yes
Site Map *A site map (or sitemap) is a list of pages of a web site accessible to crawlers or users. It can be either a document in any form used as a planning tool for web design, or a web page that lists the pages on a web site, typically organized in hierarchical fashion. This helps visitors and search engine bots find pages on the site. Plugin Plugin Module


  Joomla WordPress Drupal
认证计划*is there a professional certification or degree program for this CMS? No Limited Limited
Code Skeletons *Does the system provide code skeletons or code templates to make it easy for new developers to write plug-ins for it? Plugin Yes Yes
商业手册*Are there books or other commercially available documentation for this CMS? Yes Yes Yes
商业支援*Can support be purchased from a commercial organization with trained staff members? Yes Yes Yes
开发者社区*有免费的在线开发者社区吗 CMS? Yes Yes Yes

Online Help *Is there an integrated context-sensitive help system built in to CMS?
Yes Yes Yes

Pluggable API *Can the system be extended through the open and documented application programming interface (API)?
Yes Yes Yes

Professional Hosting *Is there a vendor 提供专业调谐 hosting 环境或有认证 hosting partner program?
Yes Yes Yes

专业服务*Are there commercially available professional services organizations to customize or provide administrative services for this CMS?
Yes Yes Yes

Public Forum *Is there publicly available forum or message board for the system?
Yes Yes Yes

Third-Party Developers *Are there third-party 为系统制造插件的开发人员?
Yes Yes Yes


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